How do I set up two-step authentication with biometrics (thumbprint, facial recognition, and others)?

How do I set up two-step authentication with biometrics (thumbprint, facial recognition, and others)?

  1. Go to My Profile
  2. Click SECURITY
  3. Click WebAuthn under Preferred way for two-step auth
If using a Yubikey, plug in your USB key when prompted.
  1. You will be prompted to tap your key to confirm registration.
    1. You may be asked to create a pin and confirm the pin ensuring an extra layer of protection.
On your smartphone, you will be prompted to choose facial recognition or fingerprint (depending on your device).

The process will be complete when you receive a SUCCESSFUL notification.  Next time you sign in, you will be required to enter your Email/Password, then you will be prompted to complete your chosen two-step factor (key or biometric).